Compra Conjunta M9702 V3 Reproductor: Clon Oppo 203 (Chinoppo)

Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.

Nueva respuesta del vendedor, después de estar 2 semanas esperando con las direcciones "equivocadas" que rectificastéis (@ivan , @Desk , @Hugo Alvim + @Jack-O-Lantern75 -que ya pidió la devolución) me dice que:

these addresses cannot be delivered ,they are all far....

Pedidle devolución en Paypal. Luego os volvéis a apuntar al grupo 13 (si queréis) con otra dirección a ser posible. No se qué pasa pero esos 4 reproductores no los va a mandar. Pero me parece absurdo estar esperando más tiempo y cambiando direcciones porque va a seguir igual. Creo que puede que Portgual, Brasil y Escocia sean países que le sale demasiado caro enviar desde Hong Kong o lo tienen vetado o algo así.

@smc --> tu reemplazo lo envía esta semana.

Un saludo.


New reply from the seller, after waiting 2 weeks with the "wrong" addresses that you rectify (@ivan, @Desk, @Hugo Alvim + @Jack-O-Lantern75 -which already requested the return) tells me that:

these addresses cannot be delivered, they are all far ...

Ask for a refund in Paypal. Then we will add again you to group 13 (if you want) with another address if possible. I do not know what happens but those 4 players will not send. But it seems absurd to me to be waiting longer and changing directions because it will continue the same. I think, maybe, Scotland, Portugal and Brazil are too expensive to send from Hong Kong or these countries are banned this seller or something like this...

@smc -> your replacement ships this week.[/quote]

Kind regards.

[QUOTE = "Tocinillo, post: 42281, member: 2"]
Spanish :

New response from the seller, after waiting 2 weeks with the "wrong" addresses that you rectify ([USER = 3458] @ivan [/ USER], [USER = 3522] @Desk [/ USER], [USER = 3322] @ Hugo Alvim [/ USER] + [USER = 3481] @ Jack-O-Lantern75 [/ USER] - who already asked for the return) tells me that:

Ask for a refund in Paypal. Then you go back to the group 13 (if you want) with another address if possible. I do not know what happens but those 4 players will not send them. But it seems absurd to me to be waiting longer and changing directions because it will continue the same. I think that Portgual, Brazil and Scotland may be countries that are too expensive to send from Hong Kong or have been banned or something like that.

[USER = 2121] @smc [/ USER] -> your replacement ships this week.

A greeting.

English :

New reply from the seller, after waiting 2 weeks with the "wrong" addresses that you rectify ([USER = 3458] [USER = 3458] @ivan [/ USER] [/ USER], [USER = 3522] [USER = 3522 ] @Desk [/ USER] [/ USER], [USER = 3322] @ Hugo Alvim [/ USER] + [USER = 3481] @ Jack-O-Lantern75 [/ USER] -which already requested the return) tells me that :

Ask for a refund in Paypal. Then we will add again you to group 13 (if you want) with another address if possible. I do not know what happens but those 4 players will not send. But it seems absurd to me to be waiting longer and changing directions because it will continue the same. I think, maybe, Scotland, Portugal and Brazil are too expensive to send from Hong Kong or these countries are banned this seller or something like this ...

[USER = 2121] [USER = 2121] @smc [/ USER] [/ USER] -> your replacement ships this week. [/ Quote]

Kind regards.

I am also from Portugal
SShould I just go ahead and cancel anyway and avoid a headache?

FFrom what I've read many Portuguese have got players from here and should virtually cost the same as delivering to Spain
Yes, I can't understand, we have a few users from Portugal and no problem.

In that cases is better do a refund and rejoin to next group. And I'm sure that's he'll send them...I don't understand why, but that's how it happened other times with other users.
How will rejoining the next group help? I'm still in Portugal. Not sending it to a different country to send it here after just the expense wouldn't justify. Is there a chance of you confirming with seller seeing as there have been deliveries before thnx
Sent them last month, won't send them this month but will send them next month ? Wierd
How will rejoining the next group help? I'm still in Portugal. Not sending it to a different country to send it here after just the expense wouldn't justify. Is there a chance of you confirming with seller seeing as there have been deliveries before thnx
Sent them last month, won't send them this month but will send them next month ? Wierd

You can't. I'm talking about the other user from group 13.
Sorry! o_O

In my case, I'm from Portugal and on Group 13 with both payments finished. Do I wait or cancel
Best of luck
Hola, estoy haciendo el pago paypal. He seleccionado 19 USD pero en la parte inferior me pone:
Pagarás18,33 EUR


Voy bien?
Hola @Tocinillo ,

yo ya hice la suscripción y el pago, y te pasé los links y los pantallazos por privado hace unos días y no lo he visto actualizado en la lista.
Si hay algún problema coméntamelo.


Nueva respuesta del vendedor, después de estar 2 semanas esperando con las direcciones "equivocadas" que rectificastéis (@ivan , @Desk , @Hugo Alvim + @Jack-O-Lantern75 -que ya pidió la devolución) me dice que:

Pedidle devolución en Paypal. Luego os volvéis a apuntar al grupo 13 (si queréis) con otra dirección a ser posible. No se qué pasa pero esos 4 reproductores no los va a mandar. Pero me parece absurdo estar esperando más tiempo y cambiando direcciones porque va a seguir igual. Creo que puede que Portgual, Brasil y Escocia sean países que le sale demasiado caro enviar desde Hong Kong o lo tienen vetado o algo así.

@smc --> tu reemplazo lo envía esta semana.

Un saludo.


New reply from the seller, after waiting 2 weeks with the "wrong" addresses that you rectify (@ivan, @Desk, @Hugo Alvim + @Jack-O-Lantern75 -which already requested the return) tells me that:

Ask for a refund in Paypal. Then we will add again you to group 13 (if you want) with another address if possible. I do not know what happens but those 4 players will not send. But it seems absurd to me to be waiting longer and changing directions because it will continue the same. I think, maybe, Scotland, Portugal and Brazil are too expensive to send from Hong Kong or these countries are banned this seller or something like this...

@smc -> your replacement ships this week.

So those missing Group 11 players had never actually been sent? Guess that explains why he refunded Jack-O-Lantern without challenging what had happened to the delivery - it had never left. Also, with each of these he originally had a problem with the addresses, and although we all provided him with alternate addresses, they still weren't sent - even to countries like Portugal where there's been no problem with delivery before?

Can someone advise how I request a PayPal refund? Do I simply email him and ask for it?

If I then want to try again in the next group, and I once again have an address that's accepted on the DHL webpage, do I then proceed or is my territory off limits even if as before the webpage says it's covered?

Many thanks,

Última edición por un moderador:
Yo! también estoy en colombia y pues soy de la conjunta 11 se demoró mas de un mes pero fue por lo del covid o por stock una de 2 pero suele ser mucho mas rapido ya que lo envian por dhl a mi me llego y me pidieron el soporte de que me habia costado 19 dolares y no pague ni impuestos ni costos de aduana
Muchas gracias, saludos.
Buenas noches,

Hoy hice el pedido de un Clon oppo 203, ya hice el pago de los 19 $ y ya envié los datos y la confirmación del pago al administrador según lo solicitado en la página principal, ¿alguien puede decirme lo que tengo que hacer ahora? ¿Recibiré alguna confirmación de pago? ¿Recibiré algún correo electrónico del administrador?

Lo siento por estas preguntas, pero soy nuevo en estas solicitudes, gracias.

Que más amigo, también soy del grupo 13, veo que ya hiciste el pago, información actualizada en la lista, me puedes por favor indicar como hiciste el pago para yo hacer el mio , gracias
Que más amigo, también soy del grupo 13, veo que ya hiciste el pago, información actualizada en la lista, me puedes por favor indicar como hiciste el pago para yo hacer el mio , gracias
Yo he pagado los 19 $ hace 10 minutos. Tienes que pagar con paypal y ponerte en contacto con Tocinillo enviando todo:

Phone Number (con el código de país):
Foto de la suscripción a nuestro canal de Youtube (mirad más abajo)
Foto del pago de los 19$ (mirad más abajo)

Enviarnos una captura o foto de la suscripción a youtube:

También tenéis que hacer un pago de 19$ para que os inscribamos en el grupo. Esos 19$ se descontarán del total el día del pago si no aparecéis durante los días del pago, esos 19$ se perderán y no se devolverán. Se tienen que hacer aquí:

En PayPal ir a Enviar y Solicitar --> y metemos el correo electrónico del vendedor (
Cantidad: 19$ (importante, pagad en dólares).
En añadir una nota ponemos: M9702 player Spanish AVPasion Order reservation payment
Y pulsamos Siguiente --> Enviar con protección del comprador.
How I request refund? On PayPal app a
I found only “contact seller”. And we know the seller don’t answer.
How I request refund? On PayPal app a
I found only “contact seller”. And we know the seller don’t answer.
Yeah - I’ve sent an email to him requesting a refund, but don’t know when I can expect a response.

If I wanted to try again in the next group, though, why would I need a refund instead of asking him to instead try sending again - perhaps to yet another address?

I really don’t see there can be a problem with all these addresses across these different countries, though. I’m certainly not in a remote and rural location, and I offered two further addresses for him to try when he raised a question about the first one.

Yeah - I’ve sent an email to him requesting a refund, but don’t know when I can expect a response.

If I wanted to try again in the next group, though, why would I need a refund instead of asking him to instead try sending again - perhaps to yet another address?

I really don’t see there can be a problem with all these addresses across these different countries, though. I’m certainly not in a remote and rural location, and I offered two further addresses for him to try when he raised a question about the first one.


Yes, I know, but was happened a few times in the past and it's the best solution: refund in paypal and then join again in the next group.
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.