Comprar M9702, M9201, M9203 y M9205C Reproductores: Clon Oppo 203/205 (Chinoppo)

Where are the 3 amps specified, or how did you calculate them? Maybe I'm wrong but 3 amps is a lot.

Donde estan especificados los 3 amperios, o como los calculaste? Tal vez yo este equivocado pero 3 amperios es mucho.
Hello, iam not an expert but I think 3A is the maximum usage, not the realtime usage. It's better to run 1.25/1.5A at 50% of a 3A psu than running 1.25 at 100% of a psu ( I think) it's better for the lifetime.
Let me know if iam good or wrong in this case. Thanks.
ok I think I would buy the 60w cause 50 is out of stock unfortunatly. if Itake 100w, picture and sound would be better than 60w ?
Thanks you for all your advices :)
Not at all !! 50W is more than enough. if you can't have the 50 go for the 60. What makes the difference is that the PSU
is linear and not regulated. This is the important thing. Don't waste your money.
Hello, iam not an expert but I think 3A is the maximum usage, not the realtime usage. It's better to run 1.25/1.5A at 50% of a 3A psu than running 1.25 at 100% of a psu ( I think) it's better for the lifetime.
Let me know if iam good or wrong in this case. Thanks.
You are right. Its always better to give the device equal or greater from what it needs than lower.
If you connect two external hard drives to the USB port it will definitely hits the 3A. So take a PSU >= 3A.
Better for the lifetime for both the PSU and the player.
Where are the 3 amps specified, or how did you calculate them? Maybe I'm wrong but 3 amps is a lot.

Where are the 3 amps specified, or how did you calculate them? Maybe I'm wrong, but 3 amps is a lot.
Read the PSU label

Where are the 3 amps specified, or how did you calculate them? Maybe I'm wrong but 3 amps is a lot.

Where are the 3 amps specified, or how did you calculate them? Maybe I'm wrong, but 3 amps is a lot.
3A*12V -> 36W
So have a 36W PSU or greater. Definitely not less than 36W.
silly question, but if Tocinillo liked my pm the data was ok and i'm on the list, right?
i'm asking because i didn't get any answer.

Acabo de ver el siguiente mensaje: "GRUPO 2/ GROUP 2 ( ABIERTO HASTA EL 01/01/2021 / OPEN UNTIL 01/01/2021 )" y DATOS DEL PAGO " Se actualizará la información el día del cierre del grupo (31/12/2020).

Quizas mi pregunta sea algo tonto y sin embargo no es mi primera compra.

1. Me imagino que el grupo se cerrara el dia 01.01.2021 a las 23.59.59, o sea uno puede inscribirse hasta tal fecha.
2. ¿El pago se hace hoy 31/12/2020 ( no he visto la actualizacion del pago) o se puede hacer hasta mañana 01.01.2021 hasta las 23.59.59?

3. Al final, ¿ no hay cambios y son 30.5 ens primer pago ( lo digo porque yo pagué 19.5 antes ) que era lo que el vendedor declara y la diferencia en el segundo pago ?

Si pregunto esto es porque hay una razon y Tocinillo sabe el porqué y por otro lado para organizarme y estar en el hogar para hacer los tramites.

Felices fiestas prospqero año nuevo 2021