Transformador linear Talema para el M9702 ( chinoppo)

mine ordered on 04/29 arrives at home in 2-3 days (it arrived today at the transport company in my city) ...?
We will look forward hearing from you .
Another way to test it is by asking to two or more persons to come home without telling them that it is an audio test. You only ask them to listen twice the sames songs ask them if they like the songs ( the same song once without power supply and second with power in order to know if they react automatically to the quality of the sound ). If they react , they will tell you what you did and you will say " nothing" and restart with the next song. After that try with a movie ( the last star wars' first scene when kyro goes to kill palpatine, a lot of effects here ).You don't participate so you avoid the placebo effect.
I will report as soon as I receive it and plug it in. I will ask my wife if she hears a difference in music and film. I will do a test with and without change and I will ask her what she thinks
I will report as soon as I receive it and plug it in. I will ask my wife if she hears a difference in music and film. I will do a test with and without change and I will ask her what she thinks
Yes, but do not tell her that it is a sound test. You tell that if she appreciates more when the song is listened twice. The first song without ( you ask her if she liked the song) and then you ask her to listen to a second one to know if she appreciates more ( here you switch in the power supply ). The idea is to see her reaction a thing like " is it the same song, have you changed anything‽" And then: "non, why‽ You say nothing and try with a movie with the same protocol..?
Recibido mail:

El pedido nº. XXXXXXXXXXX ha llegado a tu país y está de camino a la oficina de correos local. ¡Enseguida lo tienes contigo!
Muy bien, esperamos tus comentarios .....¿ En mi mensaje anterior en inglés le decía al otro como podía hacer los tests para evitar el efecto placebo por si te interesa ‽
Muy bien, esperamos tus comentarios .....¿ En mi mensaje anterior en inglés le decía al otro como podía hacer los tests para evitar el efecto placebo por si te interesa ‽

No se yo...
Mi mujer tiene peor oído que yo y me dice a todo que sí, que suena muy bien, sin escucharlo a penas... por complacerme.
Aquí está. Correos me lo ha entregado esta mañana. Ya diré algo cuando la pruebe.
Fuente Recibida.JPG
Que suerte, yo sigo esperando.

¿El número de seguimiento tuyo, empezaba por PQ o RB? Que los PQ suelen ir mas rápidos.

El mío empieza por LT ... por cierto, cable no venía, yo ya he pedido uno a amazon por 6€
Esperando con ansia las opiniones del amigo..