Reproductores M9201, M9203 y M9205 (nuevos Chinoppo: clon Oppo 203 y Oppo 205)

1. Is there a way to get Dolby Vision .mkv to work?

2. Does the player also support BD-lite menu, i.e. to select the film directly without having to go into the Disc menu?

What output resolution are you using ?
With Source Direct I think pic adj. does not work but I will confirm later and let you know.

What output resolution are you using ?
With Source Direct I think pic adj. does not work but I will confirm later and let you know.
I definitely use Source Direct because I don't like the other options, they blur the picture, make it somehow "greasy and soapy". the TV does better than the 9201 in upscaling. I will check when I go home if the Picture Adjustment function will appear when I switch to auto. Thanks for the idea!
1. Is there a way to get Dolby Vision .mkv to work?

2. Does the player also support BD-lite menu, i.e. to select the film directly without having to go into the Disc menu?
Ad1. I own M9201 for a few days and have been testing it, and the short answer is no. I think we will need to wait for a firware update (if they are going to release any in the future)

However, I've heard Shield 2019 PRO will play .mkv with Dolby Vision, so maybe you should consider buying one.

Getting back on .mkv with DV on chinoopos - personally I own Shield 2017 and when I connect the Shield to M9201 HDMI IN, it detects HDR10 (I use Kodi 19.x "Matrix" - Alpha 2), so maybe Shield 2019 PRO would be able do passthrough DV as well. Can anyone confirm it?

For now I would stick only with .ISOs or full blu-ray folders containting DV content for Chinoppos
Ad1. I own M9201 for a few days and have been testing it, and the short answer is no. I think we will need to wait for a firware update (if they are going to release any in the future)

However, I've heard Shield 2019 PRO will play .mkv with Dolby Vision, so maybe you should consider buying one.

Getting back on .mkv with DV on chinoopos - personally I own Shield 2017 and when I connect the Shield to M9201 HDMI IN, it detects HDR10 (I use Kodi 19.x "Matrix" - Alpha 2), so maybe Shield 2019 PRO would be able do passthrough DV as well. Can anyone confirm it?

For now I would stick only with .ISOs or full blu-ray folders containting DV content for Chinoppos
you can always rewrite each BD with DVDfab, leave the audio you are interested in alone, add subtitles and save DV. I don't understand why you want to play mkv so much ....
The player sees both the computer and the router via SMB. On my computer I have free access to everything, but it still asks for a password and login. The player does not accept the password and login from the router. What could be the problem.

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The player sees both the computer and the router via SMB. On my computer I have free access to everything, but it still asks for a password and login. The player does not accept the password and login from the router. What could be the problem.
What I've done, and it's worked pretty well for years, is to create a new user(since I use an Oppo I called the new user "oppo") on the Windows machine that has the folder you want the player to access. Then set the sharing properties to allow the player to access the folder. Once you enter the user name and a password, I use "1, 2, 3, 4", you shouldn't have to enter it again.
The player sees both the computer and the router via SMB. On my computer I have free access to everything, but it still asks for a password and login. The player does not accept the password and login from the router. What could be the problem.
The player implements a 'light' SMB client so to say.

Try to setup SMB1 in your PC with username/password access for the shares. Create a special username for this, different from your normal Login Username, for example, and give access permissions to the shared folder and files.

You have to setup correctly SMB1 in your PC and have a node in your network that implements "SMB Master Browser". That node cannot be any Windows 10, but can be older Windows or some NAS or routers.

SMB access from Oppo/Chinoppo has those things. Others prefer to use NFS instead.

Edit: Same has been proposed in previous post by @KBJSR :)
Última edición:
I received my 9201.
My AV receiver is the Yamaha rx v685.
Quite often while testing and switching betwern various movies and sound formats, there was no sound output for some reason (bitstream).
After a restart and first played, the films ran with correctly sound without any problems.
Any ideas why this is so?
It is a known bug from Oppo and, consequently, its clones with the same player firmware.

Some say that changing from DTS-HD MA to PCM and viceversa, if available on some Blurays, does correct the problem.

After changing and playing many formats I have had also problems like "Video not supported format", and ISO refusing to play the menu, that I Did know that work well with Chinoppo.

For me, only the restart solves those problems.

It is normal and you have to live with it :)
Última edición:
It is a known bug from Oppo and, consequently, its clones with the same player firmware.

Some say that changing from DTS-HD MA to PCM and viceversa, if available on some Blurays, does correct the problem.

After changing and playing many formats I have had also problems like "Video not supported format", and ISO refusing to play the menu, that I Did know that work well with Chinoppo.

For me, only the restart solves those problems.

It is normal and you have to live with it :)
Thanks a lot @rpelayo for your answer.
I was scared it is an incompatibility with my Yamaha AV Receiver.
I found out that the problem does not occur if the audio output is set to Auto, but then Dolby Atmos will not be output correctly, just PCM.
Has anyone been able to install/mount rclone (gdrive) on these units using moremodey01 firmware?
Alguno ha podido instalar el firmware de moremodey01 y así ejecutar rclone con gdrive?

Si hay algún hilo en el foro, no lo encuentro. Y si no lo hay, quizás sería interesante que tengamos uno y entre todos ir aportando como nos va.
Buenos días,

Ya he podido probar el M9201 un par de días y la verdad que estoy muy contento. Lo tengo conectado a mi barra de sonido (atmos/dts:x) tanto video como audio y esta a la tele. Os resumo un poco lo que he podido comprobar:

1. Dolby Vision: ISOS y estructura de carpetas va perfecto. Tuve un M9702 v3 con el desplazamiento de la pantalla a la izquierda pero ahora con este nuevo va genial. En cuanto a .mp4 depende de lo que reproduzca, las demos o The Mandalorian se ven correctamente pero Wonder Woman por ejemplo no carga bien los colores. MKV ni siquiera lo he probado.

2. HLG: Si el contenedor es .ts como las demos si lo carga bien pero si es .mkv como La materia oscura no lo pilla. Reproduciéndolo directamente desde la TV si funciona bien el HLG. No sé si habrá alguna opción en el chinoppo que permita cargar correctamente el HLG.

3. HDMI IN. Tengo un pequeño splitter hdmi donde tengo conectadas la PS4 normal y la Switch. En el M9201 tengo la opción UHD HDR. Va perfecto. Si es verdad que en la PS4 he tenido que quitar el hdcp para que se vea en la tele. Salta automáticamente el HDR cuando empiezo a jugar por ejemplo al The Last of Us 2. No he trasteado mucho esto por lo que no sé si cambiando alguna función podría estar activo el hdcp. También he probado a conectar el ordenador directamente al HDMI IN sin pasar por el splitter. Puedo ver Netflix con la app de windows sin problemas en 4K HDR y atmos

Todo lo demás va perfecto, hdr, sdr, audio sin comprimir, reproducir por red (tengo los discos duros conectados al sobremesa donde he montado un servidor nfs)

Quizá alguno sepa alguna forma de resolver esos pequeños problemas de compatibilidad.

Un saludo a todos
I connected the player to the TV, the TV to the soundbar via eARC. When I turn on the player, the sound goes to the TV speakers. I connected the player to the soundbar. Same. As the player turn on the sound goes to the TV speakers. I manually put HDMI ARC on TV, it still throws it on the TV speakers. TV and soundbar are connected with a native cable from the soundbar. Maybe you need to configure something somewhere.
No, no es eso.

Tengo el chinoppo conectado con 2 cables HDMI. El HDMI1 va conectado a la tele. El HDMI2 va conectado al amplificador.
Si alguien lo tiene así, ¿Oye algo en la tele por el HDMI1 o el sonido SOLO sale por el HDMI2?

Y si no oye nada en la tele, ¿Esto ocurre siempre o solo cuando el ampli está encendido?
¡Pues no era problema del Chinoppo! Al final como también me pasaba con el Bluray Panasonic andaba ya muy mosqueado y he hecho mil pruebas.
Como no daba con el chiste me he lanzado a dejar los dispositivos "de fábrica" y....¡Bingo! ¡Era el amplificador!
Debí de tocar algún parámetro que no debía porque ahora va perfecto, si lo apago el audio vuelve a sonar automáticamente por la tele. (y)
(He pegado lo mismo en los otros hilos donde hice la pregunta por si le pasase a alguien más que sepa por donde pueden ir los tiros ? )
Have anyone problems with volume control? The volume is not controlled by the remote control. Have to use the remote control from the TV or soundbar.
Have anyone problems with volume control? The volume is not controlled by the remote control. Have to use the remote control from the TV or soundbar.
the OPPO manual states that this function is not available for HDMI and optical output