Compra Conjunta M9702 V3 Reproductor: Clon Oppo 203 (Chinoppo)

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me apunto a la próxima compra conjunta (grupo 12).

Envío los datos a Tocinillo.


Un saludo.
Leeros bien las instrucciones que tengo 4-5 apuntados en el grupo 12 y no me han adjuntado el pago de 19$

Gente pendiente de pagar:
Se avisa que si no aparecen antes de las 0:00 (bien sea para cancelar o para hacer el pago) no se van a poder apuntar a ninguna compra más, de hecho me encargaré de decirle al vendedor que si es posible no acepte pedidos suyos ni si quiera de forma individual.

El grupo 12, como comenté, se tendrá que hacer el pago de los 19$ por adelantado.


Pending people:
It is advised that if they do not appear before 0:00 (either to cancel or to make the payment) they will not be able to sign up for any other purchase, in fact I will tell the seller that if possible, do not accept orders from these people even individually.

Group 12, as I said, will have to make the payment of $19 in advance.
amigo por favor en esta conjunta no puedo anotarme por problemas personales ... a la proxima me anoto espero que entiendas gracias
Para el grupo 12 si, el de 19$. Para el 11 no, ya está cerrado. Si no no terminaríamos nunca.
I paid the $ 19 yesterday and sent all the necessary data. hope it was correct and I now belong to group 12 :)

when do I have to pay the rest?
Yes, now is updated, sorry for the delay. The rest at the end of the month (30 of march).

Tomorrow we will start the new M9708 group purchase (500$).
What are the differences between M9702 and M9708 ??

@Tocinillo when will group 11 ship out?

Big differences are:

- VFD.
- Much better build quality and weight (10/11 Kg).
- Pioneer firmware.
- Pioneer original remote.
- Toroidal supply inside the chasis.
- jitter and other filter PCB.
- Completly New board.
- Transistors, memory...original japanese brand.
- No HDR10+ support (yet).

Post di Tonicillo in "Consulta M9708/M9706 clon Pioneer LX500" pg 1
Big differences are:

- VFD.
- Much better build quality and weight (10/11 Kg).
- Pioneer firmware.
- Pioneer original remote.
- Toroidal supply inside the chasis.
- jitter and other filter PCB.
- Completly New board.
- Transistors, memory...original japanese brand.
- No HDR10+ support (yet).

Post di Tonicillo in "Consulta M9708/M9706 clon Pioneer LX500" pg 1

Much better quality for the device ?
If the device it do not matter, I just need good video quality.
I don’t know the pioneer Firmware is so much better than the oppo ?
What are the filters like jitter ?
Transistors ?

Do someone know if the M9702 play 3D MVC.MKV files?
Much better quality for the device ?
If the device it do not matter, I just need good video quality.
I don’t know the pioneer Firmware is so much better than the oppo ?
What are the filters like jitter ?
Transistors ?

Do someone know if the M9702 play 3D MVC.MKV files?

A better quality product means here it has the probability of less failure than lower quality. Some of your questions relate not only to better quality components but a better quality design to avoid problems or failures.

The quality of video and audio would be very similar to the M9702. I guess.
These 9706 are "clones" and as such copy the original quality but they are missing the parts that are supposed to benefit from that extra quality, like sturdy vibration proofing that would benefit to the missing player mechanism, the better power supply that would mainly benefit the missing analog audio components, only remaining benefit is the better HDMI clocking and jitter control.
What else ?
The only interesting part would have been to have an HDMI input like the real 203, this in the 9706 hardware and the 203 jailbreak software could have been nice for the money .
Última edición por un moderador:
These 9706 are "clones" and as such copy the original quality but they are missing the parts that are supposed to benefit from that extra quality, like sturdy vibration proofing that would benefit to the missing player mechanism, the better power supply that would mainly benefit the missing analog audio components, only remaining benefit is the better HDMI clocking and jitter control.
What else ?
The only interesting part would have been to have an HDMI input like the real 203, this in the 9706 hardware and the 203 jailbreak software could have been nice for the money .

It would be also interesting to know if the new M9708 implements a proper "shutdown" without cutting power abruptly like the M9702 does when pressing the red power remote button.

En Español:

Sería interesante también saber si el nuevo M9708 implementa una parada ordenada (shutdown) sin cortar abruptamente la corriente como hace el M9702 al pulsar el botón rojo Power del mando.
I live in Japan, Could you ship to Japan?
The original Oppo has been discontinued, so I am very interested in this product!

Do you get tracking numbers from the seller when the players are shipped?

I'm asking because my neighbor has a very similar name and it happened before that I got packages (or food orders) for him and he got my stuff!

We're not on good terms, and It might be possible that my player will be delivered to him and it will be hard to know then if it arrives at his place without a tracking number
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