Hi all!
Got a little time now to play around with my new toy.
Here are my first impressions:
Build quality: Its ok for this amount of money. It‘s all plastic, but like I mentioned, if you want a metal casing or analog audio outputs you need to pay the double of the price. The drive tray operates smothley and the noise level from the spinning disc is tolerable. I prefer playing my media over the network, which also works fine (tested only nfs shares).
The Player-Interface (TNT) is usable but not as polished as the Oppo-Firmware (imho). You got all (or most) of the Oppo functions.
Updated my firmware to 3.90 which I grapped from here. First upgrade went something wrong, couldn‘t play any 4K discs or Blu-Rays (originals) and the player was spitting them out again. Did a second flashing + multiple factory resets solved the problem.
Finaly I got a front display (the only thing I was missing on my M9702), but unfortunaly there is a bug (?) which prevents showing the remaining playtime stays on while continuing the movie. For some movies I need to know for how long I need to stand this torture
Sorry didn‘t test Autoscripts yet. Also couldn‘t find any favorites option in the TNT firmware. Also want to try the Pioneer jailbreak firmware once.
Picture quality seems to be almost in par with the Oppo. Maybe the Pioneer jailbrake firmware makes the picture even better? Can‘t say anything about sound quality yet.
I received also the light (premium) remote, which I didn‘t pay extra for. Won‘t complain.
There are also 2 mobile apps you can use „icontrolav5„ (ipad friendly) and the „Pioneer Control App„ (ios). Both connecting quick, but they only got all basic player functions, so no file browser and other nice features like the Oppo app has.
Thats it for the moment.