Comprar M9702, M9201, M9203 y M9205C Reproductores: Clon Oppo 203/205 (Chinoppo)

@Tocinillo, 1st payment was made on 7 October, meaning almost 2 months and a half. My patience is growing thin. Please put pressure on the chinese guy, this is getting frustrating.
Yo también estoy ansioso por tenerlo, ya que para estas fiestas quiero visionar la trilogia del señor de los anillos.

Pero hay que tener en cuenta que esto no es una tienda ni tampoco es un gran fabricante. Seguro que el chino esta poniendo todo su esfuerzo.

Espero que se envíen la semana que viene. Si no estará faltando su palabra demasiado.
@Tocinillo, 1st payment was made on 7 October, meaning almost 2 months and a half. My patience is growing thin. Please put pressure on the chinese guy, this is getting frustrating.
1st payment is just for reservation.

19/20 of november I sent the full list to the seller. We are now in 19 December. Discount all holdays days and weekends and you're waiting "only" 17/18 working days :)
Glad I'm getting it as said just like clarification and thank for getting answer !! Is FedEx normally slower or faster don't know much about them as said just glad it being posted
1st payment is just for reservation.

19/20 of november I sent the full list to the seller. We are now in 19 December. Discount all holdays days and weekends and you're waiting "only" 17/18 working days :)
Sorry @Tocinillo should have had rephrased it better, didn't mean to sound like that. I realize you do this on your free time without any compensation, but from past experiences, you should have mentioned that the Chinese guy likes to drag things. I, same as most of the other buyers here, really believed we would get our units this year, but it seems that is wishful thinking at best now, given the holidays season all things are delayed. Especially with that lord of the rings trilogy awaiting.:) Wish you all the best and thanks for what you're doing once more.
@Tocinillo, I am precious purchaser of M9702 from forum, I would now like to buy M9203, I not group 2 ends 31/12/2020 - I will send you a PM. Many thanks.
Última edición por un moderador:
Al haber aumentado el valor de la reserva a 30.50€ ahora seguro que pasan por aduanas. ¿Verdad?
¿Qué tal funciona el CEC de M9201 con las LG C9? ¿Habéis probado?

Tocinillo, dado que el M9203 escala mucho mejor que la shield, ¿es posible conectar esta ultima al M9203 por la entrada HDMI para reproducir cualquier contenido de la Shield a través del M9203 para sacarlo por un proyector UST?
after few weeks with M9201, now, i am much as very happy. all of my movies work fine, dts issue with lg cx is now no problem anymore. cec works well. my samsung ssd T5 is very fast with chinaoppo. iso with dv and da works also fine. very cool clone. thank you Tocinillo.
Última edición:
New reply:


@skylined check your PM.
Hola @Tocinillo, puedo entender que el chino tenga mucha demanda y trabajo, pero no puedo entender el porque se compromete a una fecha y no la cumple, ya van al menos 2 cambios de fecha de entrega, mejor que se relaje y piense bien cuando realmente va a tener listo el producto, así la gente ya sabe cuánto tiempo va a esperar y ni estaría reclamando.
Ojalá ahora sí cumpla, si no.que ya nos diga ahora sí la fecha en que se va a comprometer a hacer la entrega formalmente.
Gracias por todo!
El "compromiso" de Rong para una fecha determinada hay que entenderlo bajo el contexto en que nos movemos. No se trata de un compromiso/contrato con penalizaciones. El hará lo que pueda y las condiciones externas que no estén bajo su control a lo mejor influyen.

En fin, las cosas son así.
Eso es.

Además que tiene el monopolio de esos reproductores así que no podemos hacer más.

Lo bueno es que absolutamente siempre ha cumplido enviándolos, reenvianodolos o devolviendo dinero, portes, etc. Lo único malo son los retrasos y el tiempo, pero bueno...
Това е.

Освен това има монопол върху тези играчи, така че не можем да направим повече.

Хубавото е, че той абсолютно винаги се е съобразявал, като ги изпраща, изпраща отново или връща пари, пощенски разходи и т.н. Единственото лошо нещо са закъсненията и времето, но хей ...
the only problem is that the first payment was made two months ago and when the customs asked me why I receive something via DHL that I should receive in two days, I have nothing to answer and they would have the full right not to respect a payment document from PayPal and the bank ..... I really hope it doesn't happen noooo ..... If that happens I have nothing to present to customs and Rong will have to return the player! tell me Javier, what should we do in times of situation? it is not a question of impatience but of the opportunity to receive what has been sent!