Compra Conjunta M9702 V3 Reproductor: Clon Oppo 203 (Chinoppo)

Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.
Pues yo tambien he recibido un mensage de movil, entrega el viernes 29 de Mayo.
Tracking numbers Group 13:

9812694522 12587
9812694511 1500-595
9812694555 00173
9812694566 00184
9812694592 34004
9812694603 33178
9812694640 41809
9812694636 29004
9812694684 07009
9812694673 03015
9812694710 08301
9812694496 pr60hz
9812694500 LS15RG
9812694485 34800
9812690053 00134
9812690064 22049
9812690075 68200
9812690086 28028
9812690090 56300
9812690112 35660
9812690134 28030
9812690145 48901
9812690156 30140
9812690160 01300
9812690171 92500
9812690182 71065
9812690193 71065
9812690204 28019
9812690215 03803
9812690226 2605200
9812690230 4460252
9812690241 45147
9812690252 29570
9812690263 08790
9812690274 31320
9812690285 42289
9812690296 42289
9812693306 42289
9812693295 42289
9812693284 42289
9812693273 42289
9812693262 6320031
9812693251 59267
9812693240 28983
9812693236 91260
9812693225 08208
9812693214 07006
9812693203 98208
9812693192 22700
9812693181 56242
9812693170 20210
9812693166 76327
9812693155 08410
9812693144 2020
9812693133 76139
9812693122 47140
9812693111 47008
9812693100 35423
9812693531 35423
9812696110 89537
9812696106 89537
9812696095 0691
9812696084 07058
9812696073 89537
9812696062 46016
9812696051 33213
9812696040 53619
9812696036 84130
9812696025 28022
9812695992 92110
9812696003 22589
9812696014 5233tn
9812695981 28054
9812695970 28943
9812695966 28922
9812695911 44869
9812695922 91530
9812695933 59368
9812695944 00000
9812695955 00000
9812695830 LV-1082
9812695841 680002
9812695863 87452
9812695874 36606
9812690123 400202
9812695826 30881

Sumary of all pending players:

  1. @afalout --> Reclaimed to the seller.

(all reclaimed to the seller):
  1. @Hooker
  2. @KiloIndiaKiloOscar
  3. @kakezgz
  4. @Javi71
  5. @Hercules1900
  6. @Hombre del Saco
  1. @Vertex --> "this country cannot ship now"
  2. @fernando22 --> "remote area" :rolleyes:
  3. @big27 --> "cannot find this city , postcode or city wrong."
  4. @big27 (2ND UNIT) --> "cannot find this city , postcode or city wrong."
  5. @Gearnet --> "remote area" :rolleyes:
  6. @rodrigojosef --> "need vat number". Number of your "cédula de identidade".
  7. @MAAC --> No le aparece el CP 43100, pero puede mandarlo al 43001 (es lo que haremos, es la misma ciudad y DHL te llama siempre antes).
  8. @goral126p --> "wrong and need EORI number"
  9. @Desk --> "wrong and need EORI number"
  10. @Wesbabko --> "need pay 9702, 9706 will refound ,this is two order"
  11. @B4byf4ce
I don't know what happens with UK adresses but in all groups always be a problem. Please, check Postcode used by DHL here:

Como veis están todos los "pendientes" reclamados, antes de cerrar y pagar el grupo 14 tendré una respuesta de si están mandados ya o si van a salir la semana que viene. // As you can see I reclaimed all the "pending players", before closing and paying group 14 I will have an answer if they are already sent or if they are going to leave next week.
Última edición:

Me dice el vendedor que a finales de mes no va a tener stock, así que habrá que cerrar el grupo 14 este fin de semana, empezaremos los pagos mañana hasta el domingo. Los mandará el lunes/martes de la semana que viene.


The seller tells me that at the end of the month he will not have stock, so group 14 will have to be closed this weekend, we will start payments tomorrow until Sunday. He will send them on Monday / Tuesday of next week.
Tracking numbers Group 13:

9812694522 12587
9812694511 1500-595
9812694555 00173
9812694566 00184
9812694592 34004
9812694603 33178
9812694640 41809
9812694636 29004
9812694684 07009
9812694673 03015
9812694710 08301
9812694496 pr60hz
9812694500 LS15RG
9812694485 34800
9812690053 00134
9812690064 22049
9812690075 68200
9812690086 28028
9812690090 56300
9812690112 35660
9812690134 28030
9812690145 48901
9812690156 30140
9812690160 01300
9812690171 92500
9812690182 71065
9812690193 71065
9812690204 28019
9812690215 03803
9812690226 2605200
9812690230 4460252
9812690241 45147
9812690252 29570
9812690263 08790
9812690274 31320
9812690285 42289
9812690296 42289
9812693306 42289
9812693295 42289
9812693284 42289
9812693273 42289
9812693262 6320031
9812693251 59267
9812693240 28983
9812693236 91260
9812693225 08208
9812693214 07006
9812693203 98208
9812693192 22700
9812693181 56242
9812693170 20210
9812693166 76327
9812693155 08410
9812693144 2020
9812693133 76139
9812693122 47140
9812693111 47008
9812693100 35423
9812693531 35423
9812696110 89537
9812696106 89537
9812696095 0691
9812696084 07058
9812696073 89537
9812696062 46016
9812696051 33213
9812696040 53619
9812696036 84130
9812696025 28022
9812695992 92110
9812696003 22589
9812696014 5233tn
9812695981 28054
9812695970 28943
9812695966 28922
9812695911 44869
9812695922 91530
9812695933 59368
9812695944 00000
9812695955 00000
9812695830 LV-1082
9812695841 680002
9812695863 87452
9812695874 36606
9812690123 400202
9812695826 30881

Sumary of all pending players:

  1. @afalout --> Reclaimed to the seller.

(all reclaimed to the seller):
  1. @Hooker
  2. @KiloIndiaKiloOscar
  3. @kakezgz
  4. @Javi71
  5. @Hercules1900
  6. @Hombre del Saco
  1. @Vertex --> "this country cannot ship now"
  2. @fernando22 --> "remote area" :rolleyes:
  3. @big27 --> "cannot find this city , postcode or city wrong."
  4. @big27 (2ND UNIT) --> "cannot find this city , postcode or city wrong."
  5. @Gearnet --> "remote area" :rolleyes:
  6. @rodrigojosef --> "need vat number". Number of your "cédula de identidade".
  7. @MAAC --> No le aparece el CP 43100, pero puede mandarlo al 43001 (es lo que haremos, es la misma ciudad y DHL te llama siempre antes).
  8. @goral126p --> "wrong and need EORI number"
  9. @wa14 --> "wrong and need EORI number"
  10. @Wesbabko --> "need pay 9702, 9706 will refound ,this is two order"
I don't know what happens with UK adresses but in all groups always be a problem. Please, check Postcode used by DHL here:

Como veis están todos los "pendientes" reclamados, antes de cerrar y pagar el grupo 14 tendré una respuesta de si están mandados ya o si van a salir la semana que viene. // As you can see I reclaimed all the "pending players", before closing and paying group 14 I will have an answer if they are already sent or if they are going to leave next week.

how to find the tracking number for me number 95? I don’t find my postal code anywhere
Si los ha mando hoy, es normal que no salgan todavía en DHL seguramente mañana ya estarán en la base de datos, esto suele pasar.
A mi tambien me pone lo mismo que no es valido
So for everybody urging patience and saying that a unit will come eventually, yet again I’m
In a position where mine can’t be delivered.

I provided two alternate addresses when I was told in Group 11 that the first was ‘rural’ even though DHL said all of them were fine, and still it didn’t go.

Weeks later, after holding on to try again as part of Group 13, I’m told the FOURTH address I’ve provided is also no good, or ‘wrong’ somehow, and that I now apparently also need an EORI as if I’m importing as a business, when I’m just a lone individual who wants a player.

What do you advise I do now, @Tocinillo ?

Should you just be stating that no players can be shipped to the UK?

Otro sms por aquí con fecha de entrega prevista para el día 28/05!! Al final lo que me imaginaba, me va a llegar antes el repro que la tv :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: para quitarme el hype, ver que funciona y que esta todo ok lo probraré con el pc.. ?
Same for me, just received an sms message from DHL, should be delivered may 28th.
Thanks in advance Toci..Many many thanks.
Hola para no incurrir en errores me gustaría pagar la cantidad adeudada de inmediato, pero no cometer errores. Tengo que pagar a través de Paypal poniendo mi dirección de envío y con la descripción "Android usb box payment". La diferencia a pagar debe ser de 300.5 dólares. Gracias a los que me contestan.Excusa cualquier error que estoy usando un traductor. Soy italiano.
Hi Ticinillo

Here is my situation:

@Gearnet --> "remote area"
Missing 20$

I 'll send the missing 20$ immediately
But what about the "Remote area" :
should i change my address ?

Thanks in advance
To repeat again, why is he asking for an EORI number for me and at least one other person?

EORI stands for Economic Operators Registration and Identification ... and it is for traders. Businesses. Not private citizens like me who are not bringing in items to sell or for business uses.

To apply for an EORI I would have to be a registered business, but I’m not.

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