Compra Conjunta M9702 V3 Reproductor: Clon Oppo 203 (Chinoppo)

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Hello, thank you for the organization!
I want to buy the M9702 V3 player. Please add me to the list.
Chinoppo recibido de la 6ª conjunta.

Muchas gracias Tocinillo por todo el trabajo y la pacienda que tienes.

Un saludo.
DHL tracking information received for delivery the 29th Tuesday. Had to pay £3.12 import tax but that’s no big deal.
Hello Tocinillo

player received,I 've noticed forced subtitles and full doesn't work on some ISO movies.Thank you for a great job.
Chinoppo recibido (grupo 6), todo perfecto!! (ahora intentando reproducir fullBR desde el NAS). Gracias Tocinillo!
chinopporeceived this morning, everything is ok, the picture was wouh, thank you tocinillo.
For the edid A or B, what is the good settings and it was for what this edid?
For space color auto or 4.4.4
Otro que lo ha recibido hoy mismo!!!!! lo he abierto...que ganas!!!!

GRACIAS...postearé foticos y tal
Gracias tocinillo
También recibí mi m 9702 hoy. Lo probaré esta noche. (Google Translator)
I have received the M9702 (group 6) today. A little surprise since it wasn't announced by DHL. It's a nice "adapter" as it' s called out for customs.

Thanks again, Tocinillo. This is a fantastic service you are providing! I will start testing tommorow and then on the weekend.
Ok, 7 group updated.

People missing from 6 group (because wrong adress/missing city) updated tonight. Shipment will be in a few days.
Muy buenas, con la envidia que me estáis dando, yo también me quiero apuntar a la séptima conjunta
PD:Mañana mando los datos por MP
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