Comprar M9702, M9201, M9203 y M9205C Reproductores: Clon Oppo 203/205 (Chinoppo)

Hola, por favor, apuntame a la conjunta...

Sois unos fenomenos, enhorabuena por el trabajo del Xnoppo, espero poder montarlo todo!!

Hi Tocinillo,
are there any pics of the new models, especially the 9201? I would be very interested in how they look like. I've just seen a pic of the 9205...
Hello Tocinillo!

1. How M9201 and M9203 look like?

2. What are the dimensions of M9201 and M9203?


I found this at some websites for m9203..



Also this is for m9205..
Última edición:
Hello Vertex!

As I see M9203 has not got toroidal power supply, in this picture only 12v..... So How could be toroidal powered....?
Última edición:
everything is really strange, in TAOBAO /Rongs official store/the price of 9205 is 5000 yuan / 630 € / and it has been sold for two weeks, but the 9201/3 models are missing at all, except for the OPPO 203 motherboard
16 conjuntas después... volvemos al clon del Oppo.

Apuntado a un M9201

Pagados los 19,5$ y enviado MP con datos y capturas.