Compra Conjunta M9702 V3 Reproductor: Clon Oppo 203 (Chinoppo)

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Usually in China there is no deadly virus that has killed 2469 people.

The seller sent the players (ALL EXCEPT THE PEOPLE 4 POSTS BEFORE YOU) yesterday. Wait until the players arrives or go out and refund with the seller but stop bothering, this is not Amazon, insults are not allowed here.

After almost 1000 units, the seller is still the same as always, not very communicative and sometimes it does not give us the tracking number. What do you want me to do, go to China with a direct flight and threaten the seller with a gun to give me the tracking number because you don't want to wait 3 days?
Hola Tocinillo, soy muy novato en todo esto y me gustaria apuntarme a la compra conjunta, me puedes indicar como hacerlo, perdona ya se que estaras cansado de esplicarlo, te lo agradeceria, Gracias
Hola Tocinillo, soy muy novato en todo esto y me gustaria apuntarme a la compra conjunta, me puedes indicar como hacerlo, perdona ya se que estaras cansado de esplicarlo, te lo agradeceria, Gracias

Leer el primer post de este hilo. Ahí estan las instrucciones
Hola, ya están en Alemania, ya queda poco para llegue a mi salón.
Muchas gracias Tocinillo por lo que estas haciendo y santa paciencia tienes por aguantarnos.
Un saludo.
@Tocinillo Hi, I received the SMS for the second batch of group 10.
One question: since I think everyone cares, can you ask the seller exactly how and how much DHL is disinfecting packages? Is the seller also disinfecting the players before shipping them?
@Tocinillo Hi, I received the SMS for the second batch of group 10.
One question: since I think everyone cares, can you ask the seller exactly how and how much DHL is disinfecting packages? Is the seller also disinfecting the players before shipping them?

Virus in the inorganic elements (no human body), can survive only 2/3 days. Dont worry.
I would like to join the next group. I will send a PM to Tocinillo. Thanks in advance for all the effort you put into this!

Spanish (auto-translate):
Me gustaría unirme al próximo grupo. Enviaré un PM a Tocinillo. Gracias de antemano por todo el esfuerzo que puso en esto!
Ok, direcciones cambiadas enviadas al vendedor y le he preguntado todo lo que me habéis pedido. Siguen faltando los usuarios:


Que como veo que no contestan, mucha prisa no tendrán. Pues ya hasta dentro de 10 días mínimo no los mandará.

Grupo 11 actualizado, última semana para unirse!


Ok, I sent an emai to the seller with corrected adresses and also I asked about some other questiones. People with incorrect adress:


As I see that they do not answer... Well, until 10 days minimum the seller will not send this players.

Group 11 updated, last week to join us!
Chinoppo Recibido! :):):)(y)(y)(y). Muchísimas gracias a Tocinillo por todo su esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicación, trabajazo!, chapeau!?
Recibido ahora mismo 2ª unidad en Bizkaia
a la tarde lo probare
salu2 a todos y en en especial a Tocinillo
hi @Tocinillo, i want to join group 11.. before joining please confirm from the seller wil he ship player to Dubai (uae).. please confirm from him it is a humble request.. thanx in advance
Just received mine (second distrib of group10).

Will test it soon, but already a big thanks Tocillino!!
Recibido mi chinooppo. Gracias @Tocinillo por tu excelente gestión y trabajo.

Última edición:
[QUOTE = "Tocinillo, post: 36719, member: 2"]
Yes, in the past he sold about 5-6 units to Dubai.
is seller is rong from "" if yes i asked him about shipping to dubai via dhl he said no he doesn't ship into dubai
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