[QUOTE = "Tocinillo, post: 52873, member: 2"]
Defective and pending units shipped, except:
[USER = 4556] @ Eberhard123 [/ USER] - -> "Address too far". I know you asked for refund to PayPal, I recommend that you keep it. If you want the player you will have to change address
[USER = 2004] @ big27 [/ USER] - -> He can't send to your Country at this moment, so I recommend that ask for refund to PayPal also. Or maybe if you have a friendo in another Country ...
[USER = 5053] @ snewton1970 [/ USER] and [USER = 4896]
@Sponz [/ USER] the reply from the seller to the eori question: "if you cannot give EORI , need give Billing Address"
[USER = 4216]
@threev [/ USER] -> DHL: 1679637573
[USER = 3144]
@terribilis [/ USER] -> DHL: 1679643825
hi Tocinillo, tanks for the replay. so just make requset for paypal?
tod they will approved this?